Shania Brown - Social MEdia Campaigns

Branding campaign images.

Design Results:

Social Media Campaign: Branding

What is Branding Facebook post preview
5 Benefits of Branding Facebook post preview

Main Goal (Brief):

To create social media campaigns to establish a social presence and demonstrate what type of design services I offer, while also provide insight into these topics.

The Process:

My process began with coming up with the campaign ideas for branding and print design. Each campaign included 3-4 posts that had consistent branding and were accompanied by post content that included links to outside sources that I believed provided excellent information on the topics.

After I had my ideas for each post, I moved on to the designs which included:

  • What is Branding?
  • 5 Benefits of Branding
  • Call to Action for Branding Services
  • What is Print Design?
  • Benefits of Print Design
  • Call to Action for Print Design Services

Social Media Campaign: Print Design

What is Print Design Facebook post preview
Benefits of Print Design Facebook post preview